Sunday, June 14, 2015

A tiring, yet beautiful day

Yesterday we woke up, had a delicious waffle and fruit and bacon breakfast, and hit the road for Champlain mountain. However, we couldn't find it and had to drive backwards for a little bit (one way road, literally driving in reverse with me and Liv and Leah screaming CAR every time one was coming so granddaddy could slam on the brakes) and then all the way around the road again to find our turn for the hike. We finally found it and climbed all the way up to the top of the mountain. There was a beautiful view, and by beautiful I mean breathtakingly wonderful. I've attached a few pictures but I've got a ton more to show when we get home. When we finished the hike, we went into town to get dinner. I took off my knee brace because that thing hurts (and makes you sweat) like the dickens. I promptly went into hysterics because I HAVE A TAN LINE FROM THE STUPID THING! I promise I'm not making this up. It looks like I'm wearing a white knee brace and the rest of my leg is brown. It's one of the tackiest things I've ever seen. So that brought some excitement. We had a really good dinner at Poor Boy's where Grancy said we were going to give all the other diners indigestion. However, a lady she talked to said we were delightful, which I've always known, but it's good to get some confirmation every once in a while. We had to leave the restaurant quite rapidly, as Leah could not stop laughing both loudly and obnoxiously. She's doing it in my ear right now actually. We then got ice cream at the Big Dipper. Of course, it took Leah a year and  a half to eat her ice cream, and she spilled about half of it down her front. Okay, maybe that's a little exaggeration. Oh well. Afterwards, we went to Hannaford's grocery store, which was interesting because not only do I share a name with a grocery store, said grocery store sells buffalo meat. Finally, we got home, and showered, and then watched Outrageous Wedding Cakes. Have you ever heard of zombies on a wedding cake? I have now! I will update the blog tonight or tomorrow morning first thing. Thank y'all for your patience!!
