Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our last day

To start yesterday off, we woke up bright and early and ate breakfast really quickly, then headed to Thunder Hole for the third time. The first two times, there was no thundering, it was just Hole, so we were hoping maybe the third time was the charm and the hole would live up to its name and be thunderous. However, there wasn't any thundering that time, but don't worry, I got a T-shirt that shows what it's supposed to do. We stood there for a while, hoping for something to happen, but when nothing did for quite a while, and we were thoroughly soaked by the rain, we decided to go into Bar Harbor and finish up our shopping. Then, the best thing ever happened. We got to go back to Jordan Pond and have popovers again!!! They were just as amazing the second time!

I left out a story from Monday in that blog post, so I'm going to share it now because it's worth sharing. We were all ready, getting into the car, ready to start our fun for the day, when Grancy came out and shut the door. Half talking to herself, she said, "I sure hope Granddaddy's got the key, because I don't." Well, we went over to where Granddaddy was joyously playing horseshoes, and Grancy asked if he had the key, and he did not. So we went back up on the porch, found an open window, and Granddaddy pried the screen off it. He told Leah to crawl through, but she wouldn't, so Livy hopped up and crawled through the window and unlocked the door from the inside! It was quite an adventure!

Well, we are in the car en route to the Bangor airport as I type. I'm gonna miss Maine, it's beautiful here. With that said, I'm going to be glad to be home.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Yesterday was so much fun (and so delicious.) We hiked around Jordan Pond and it was beautiful. We saw loons and climbed on rocks and had tons of fun. After the walk, we went to the restaurant to get POPOVERS! They were every bit as amazing as all of y'all said they were. They were 98% air, but as Granddaddy said, that's the best tasting air I've ever had. The tea we had with them was really good too! All in all, it was fantastic, and I'm trying really hard to go again! After that, we went to the gift shop, and bought some shirts and little things to help us remember the trip. Finally, we went to Hannaford's to get some more fruit and then went home. We had a delightful evening watching Ever After, eating spaghetti, and playing Oh Heck! Today is our last day here, and guess what? It's raining. However, we plan to get as much out of the day as possible!


Monday, June 15, 2015

Sunday's adventure

So sorry for the late post! Service in the mountains is bad on purpose so you can completely focus on the natural wonders. Sunday was lots of fun!! We went to two gardens. One of them was Japanese style and we climbed 200 steps to get to it! We walked around there for a while and looked at some gorgeous flowers. Then we hiked up Day Mountain. It was .2 miles shorter than the Champlain mountain trail, but it took us half as long. The view wasn't as great as the view at the top of Champlain, but it was still beautiful and worth the trip. Finally, the very best part. We drove up Cadillac Mountain and watched the sunset from the top of the mountain. It was breathtaking. Incredible. Gorgeous. And every other word synonymous to beautiful. It was one of the best Sunday services I've ever been too. Seeing something like that across the sky, spread out so beautifully like a painting. I think the natural services are much better than the Andy show, and it didn't even end in
God saying "Most people applaud at this time." I took so many pictures and I can't wait to look back at them all. They didn't even look real. I hope we can go back up tomorrow night to watch it set again. No two sunsets are exactly alike, you know!
More later!

Big hugs!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A tiring, yet beautiful day

Yesterday we woke up, had a delicious waffle and fruit and bacon breakfast, and hit the road for Champlain mountain. However, we couldn't find it and had to drive backwards for a little bit (one way road, literally driving in reverse with me and Liv and Leah screaming CAR every time one was coming so granddaddy could slam on the brakes) and then all the way around the road again to find our turn for the hike. We finally found it and climbed all the way up to the top of the mountain. There was a beautiful view, and by beautiful I mean breathtakingly wonderful. I've attached a few pictures but I've got a ton more to show when we get home. When we finished the hike, we went into town to get dinner. I took off my knee brace because that thing hurts (and makes you sweat) like the dickens. I promptly went into hysterics because I HAVE A TAN LINE FROM THE STUPID THING! I promise I'm not making this up. It looks like I'm wearing a white knee brace and the rest of my leg is brown. It's one of the tackiest things I've ever seen. So that brought some excitement. We had a really good dinner at Poor Boy's where Grancy said we were going to give all the other diners indigestion. However, a lady she talked to said we were delightful, which I've always known, but it's good to get some confirmation every once in a while. We had to leave the restaurant quite rapidly, as Leah could not stop laughing both loudly and obnoxiously. She's doing it in my ear right now actually. We then got ice cream at the Big Dipper. Of course, it took Leah a year and  a half to eat her ice cream, and she spilled about half of it down her front. Okay, maybe that's a little exaggeration. Oh well. Afterwards, we went to Hannaford's grocery store, which was interesting because not only do I share a name with a grocery store, said grocery store sells buffalo meat. Finally, we got home, and showered, and then watched Outrageous Wedding Cakes. Have you ever heard of zombies on a wedding cake? I have now! I will update the blog tonight or tomorrow morning first thing. Thank y'all for your patience!!


Friday, June 12, 2015

A lovely (yet windy) evening

There are only three words that describe how we are feeling right now: worn slap out. I don't remember what I posted last so it might overlap. Sorry if it does, I'm about to sleep really well tonight! We went to Bar Harbor, and had dinner at this really good restaurant. I got a delicious grilled chicken caesar salad.  There was a lot of really cool stuff collected, random stuff on the walls, on shelves, everywhere. There was also a train going around the whole restaurant! I loved that part. We looked around the shops for a little while then drove up Cadillac mountain to see the sunset. Well, we didn't see a sunset because there were clouds, but I got some really pretty pictures so that was good. It was also really windy, but nobody fell off the mountain so that was a definite plus!

More tomorrow, and as always, hugs!

We're soaring, flying!! -HSM

This morning was an early one,  as y'all could probably tell by the 4 a.m. post. Before the first flight, we barely had a chance to grab a drink and a little something to eat before hopping on the plane. We met a girl that was going to Canada for the world cup which was really cool! She noticed my sweatshirt and asked me if I was an App fan, and when we started up a conversation we found out that she went to Wake Forest and is a minister, along with her husband. She was really nice! On the flight, I got to see the sunrise from above the clouds, and it was amazing. I've never seen anything like it. We had to run to the next flight in Philadelphia, on which we all rested and relaxed. When we finally got to Maine, we were starving. I used my Hungry Now app to find us a restaurant and we hopped in the rental car and headed to Wendy's, then to our house. We're finally here!! I've already taken a bunch of pictures of things in the house, and now we're kicked back watching HGTV! 

More later! Hugs!

Fun at 4 a.m. (sorta)

Good morning! Wait actually it's still night time. I am not a morning person at all, so this is an..... Adventure, to say the least. Did you know if you don't pick up the phone when the front desk makes the wake up call they call AGAIN? Because, um, they do. And it's just a bucket of fun deciding who's gonna "pick up the stinking phone so they don't call again." So now we're in the shuttle to the airport that's going about 2 mph. It's really really dark out, and we can see planes' lights as they land, which is oddly beautiful. And hey, I get to see a sunrise!! I don't know if I've ever seen one of those! So I'm excited. More later!


Thursday, June 11, 2015

On the way! (Part one)

Hey y'all! Clearly I'm getting into the Northern mood, right? Wrong. I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb there. However, the first leg of this trip went south, not north. We went down to Georgia today to pick up my cousin, and met up with a whole bunch of family for dinner. Basically, we ate and talked and had a great time! I drank as much sweet tea as I could (sorry mom) because that stuff doesn't exist up north. I also gotta learn how to pronounce ayuh... We're on the way to the hotel in Atlanta, and we're going to sleep like babies until 4 am (wink, wink) when we have to get up to go catch the plane. I can't wait to get the best part of this adventure started! More later, love y'all!!

(Mom can you water Sunny and Cher please thank you)
